Some Local
Performance that is forever evolving according to its location
Some Local is a performance that travels and moulds itself according to each location it comes across. Our project’s core idea lies in our interest to find ways on making contemporary dance and ourselves as artists more accessible and approachable. Therefore we have created a performance that includes a tight interaction with its surrounding environment and community. In practice this means we arrive at a location with a precisely choreographed framework and spend 1-2 weeks integrating with the environment through different tasks. Our choices in relation to movement, the soundscape as well as set and light design change by ways suggested by the environment. The materials that we come across in each location and the premade dramaturgical framework that we arrive at each location with, creates a unique way for us to work as artists. After each encounter with a new location we are left with a piece that fits each performance space and community individually.
Who is it for?
Some Local is for any community that wants to let us be part of their world for a while. During the period spent in the area the working group spends time with the locals and gets to know the location. Through different encounters they shape the work especially for this place and these people. At the end of the two weeks a performance that includes ingredients shared together with the community, will be shared with the audience.
Choreography & Performance Alina Sakko, Ella Posti, Ella Holappa
Scenography Tua Holappa
Sound design Omri Kochavi (original creation and 2022 performances), Vili Järvinen (2024)
Duration 45 minutes
All audience
Support Reality Research Centre (FIN), Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation (FIN), Ugly Duck Early Career Space (UK), London Performance Studios (UK), Arts Promotion Center Finland (FIN), Outokumpu North Karelia Riveria (FIN), Kulttuurikauppila Artist In Residence program (FIN)
In December 2024 Some Local will visit Raahe (FIN) with the support of
Arts Promotion Centre Finland and Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation.
We're constantly looking for new communities to welcome Some Local to their reality.
Performances / communities and places we have visited
Rysä, Ii (FIN)
19 Novembre 2022
Kontula Senior Centre in Helsinki (FIN)
Novembre 2022
Ugly Duck Early Career Space (UK)
London Performance Studios (UK)
Arts Promotion Center Finland (FIN)
Outokumpu North Karelia Riveria (FIN)
Kulttuurikauppila Artist In Residence program (FIN)
Project Gallery